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Sauda Basaleh

Master’s in Pharmaceutical Science

University of Colorado Denver

My name is Sauda Basaleh. I was born and raised in Hadhramout, specifically in Ash-Shihr. I obtained my PharmD degree from the University of Hadhramout in Yemen. I worked for one academic year as a teaching assistant, and then with the support of The Hadhramout Foundation, I began my Master’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences. I am specializing in clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, which is one of the highest-ranking American universities in pharmaceutical sciences.


The field that I am studying now impacts the research, clinical, and academic aspects of the healthcare system. This science accompanies medicine from its manufacture until after its application. It is also important in providing the type of optimal treatment for each patient specifically. In other words, it is the science by which the drug becomes approved or rejected, and the critical condition is able to be treated effectively.


Healthcare, like the other essentials of life, has been significantly affected and deteriorated in Yemen while the world develops and progresses. It is my hope that my people could access medical services that would improve their quality of life and save their lives. I hope that the era of mortality due to morbidity will be controlled and the urgent need to travel abroad for treatment ends. I believe that I have to be one of the founders of the advanced health and research era in Yemen, and it is something I am preparing to do.

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